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The Agile Culture Code - the T E C-Model for agile working

The TEC model, standing for Transparency, Empowerment, and Collaboration, is a powerful framework derived from psychological research and agile transformation insights. This model identifies the nine key elements of organizational agility, providing leaders and teams with a clear and compelling structure to pinpoint blind spots and opportunities for change. It recognizes that the behavior and interaction of individuals and teams drive agility, making organizational culture a potential hurdle and, simultaneously, a potent lever for transformation.


The T E C model is designed to activate the untapped potential within organizations, teams, and individuals. Through a survey, the TEC model reveals an organization's strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots hindering successful agile operations. It aids in identifying both organizational and behavioral impediments, offering guidance for navigating through culture change. The TEC model provides a comprehensive and actionable framework for organizations seeking to embed agility into their culture.

“An extremely useful tool for anyone struggling to navigate the tricky world of cultural change in organizations.” M. Wade, Professor at IMD, Director of the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation


“The framework expands existing knowledge into a fundamental tool to drive cultural change. (...)“ R. Engelbrecht, Agile Practitioner, Cape Town, South Africa


The Agile Culture Code - TEC model
Start your 360-Degree Feedback, survey your team-culture or do a self-assessment

Agile Culture Code 360
The Agile Culture Code 360 is used to gather feedback from your direct reports, peers, superior, additional rater groups such as customers or project teams, and your self-assessment. It provides detailed feedback along the nine TEC-dimensions. It provides actionable insights into how your leadership or working style is perceived by your surrounding. The structured feedback helps to identify strengths and areas for development. For greater fit for you we can customize the survey, too, adding other competency-dimensions such as Psychological Safety, Resilience or Leadership Styles


Agile Culture Code Self-Assessment
A structured self-reflection delivers insights into where your work-related behavior falls within the T E C Model. The results are presented in a work-book that supports reflection and offers development advice. 


Agile Culture Code Survey

Surveying your team / unit / organization provides valuable insights into the current state of organizational agility and its conditions. It helps identify strengths and weaknesses, and cuurent impediments in Transparency, Empowerment, and Collaboration, enabling leaders and teams to target specific areas for improvement. 

Book a 1:1 coaching session to reflect more in depths and receive expert advice on your development. 


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Dr. Stefanie Puckett , Hammerschmiedweg 1, 86169 Augsburg
Kontakt: Telefon: 015780750840; E-Mail:
Psychology4Agility is part of SynergyMind Consulting.  

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