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Executive Coaching


Supporting leaders to know where they stand, be at their best, professionalize their leadership and achieve their goals. 



Basic option: 

- Personality test and/ or 360°-evaluation

- 2h feedback & coaching session (incl. development plan & quick win actions)


Extended option: 

+ Full evaluation incl. superior, peer and/ or team evaluation, assessment tools (evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, aptitude and potential)


Continued option: 

+ Six weeks with 1h coaching per week (ensuring transfer of learnings and value creation by working on real cases)



Strengths finding and orientation

Using scientific methods to identify strengths and potential, motives and values, as well as personal risk factors. Gain clarity on personal goals and find ways to achieve them. 

With specialist advice for female leaders.



Basic option: 

- Personality and Motive Structure test 

- 2h feedback & coaching session (incl. development plan & quick win actions)

- 2h personal/ professional goal coaching


Continued option: 

+ Six weeks with 1h goal achievement coaching per week 

"New Work" Coaching

Helping individuals to prepare for or adapt to the future of work. Building the right competencies and strategies through personality development, growth mindset coaching and lessons on how to position yourself and achieve goals in the modern organization. 


Basic option: 

- Personality test

- 2h feedback & coaching session (incl. development plan & quick win actions)


Extended option: 

+ 360°-evaluation and/or working style inventory. 


Continued option: 

+ Accompanied transforamtion coaching with challenges and exercises, 4x 2h coaching over eight weeks (supported competency development and personal transformation)

Agile & Team Coaching

 Supporting individuals and teams to self-organize and develop agility. 

  • Professional as-is analysis and assessment 

  • Team workshops to define development goals and identify impediments

  • Coaching of individuals and teams

  • Expert supervision for agile coaches (coaching psychology) 



Basic option Team: 

- 4h orientation workshop

- Three weeks with 2h team coaching sessions incl. evaluation (supporting implementation, inspect and adapt))


Extended option Team: 

+ Full team evaluation incl. interviews with all team members and superiors, and optional personality profiles (quick start for new teams or intervention for conflicts)


Continued option Team: 

+ 3h evaluation workshop after 8-12 weeks with a 2h team coaching session after an additional 3 weeks.

Disclaimer & Data Privacy

Imprint / Impressum (Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG)

Dr. Stefanie Puckett , Hammerschmiedweg 1, 86169 Augsburg
Kontakt: Telefon: 015780750840; E-Mail:
Psychology4Agility is part of SynergyMind Consulting.  

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