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Agile leadership - a science-based  Competency Model - the HAVE-Model

A lot do we talk but little do we know about agile leadership. What are the relevant competencies? Which behaviors does it imply? And how does it differ from traditional leadership? The results of a global study from the Global Center of Digital Business Transformation, led by IMD Business School and metaBeratung provide empirically established answers. 

Three critical behaviors that determine Digital Business Agility are completed by four distinct leadership competencies: the HAVE Model. To learn more: 

- Invite us to deliver a KEY NOTE SPEECH

- Get a customized in-house WORKSHOP or TRAINING


- Get the BOOK

- Request a personality-based ASSESSMENT to understand your strengths and weaknesses in the context 

- Request a 360°-FEEDBACK to put your leadership behavior to the test and gather valuable feedback. 

HAVE model Agile Leadership Competencies, Agile Leadership 360

Graph from Puckett & Neubauer (2018). Agile Leadership. Leadership competencies for the agile transformation. 

Start your 360-Degree Feedback

The Agile Leader 360 feedback instrument is used to gather feedback from your direct reports, peers, superior and your self-assessment, providing detailed feedback along the seven HAVE-dimensions. It provides actionable insights into how your leadership is perceived by your surrounding and how you can improve to increase your impact as a leader. In addition you can measure up against a global benchmark.  For greater fit for your organization, we can customize the survey, too, adding other leadership competencies and open questions for qualitative feedback. 

An optional 1:1 coaching session helps you to reflect more in depths and receive expert advice on your leadership situation and development. 

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Dr. Stefanie Puckett , Hammerschmiedweg 1, 86169 Augsburg
Kontakt: Telefon: 015780750840; E-Mail:
Psychology4Agility is part of SynergyMind Consulting.  

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